If a user is redirected or forwarded to a page defined by an unverified…
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2 min read
29 janv. 2014
Known software vulnerabilities are available to everyone on the Internet. If an
attacker knows…
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3 min read
28 janv. 2014
An attacker sends a request to a website you are authenticated on to execute…
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4 min read
14 janv. 2014
Les 12 et 13 Décembre 2013 se tenait à San Fransisco une conférence sur GWT,…
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6 min read
09 janv. 2014
La fin d’année a vu se tenir un salon en plein essor, tout près…
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5 min read
03 janv. 2014
Grails est un framework Open-Source basé sur le langage Groovy et permettant
d’effectuer du…
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18 min read
02 janv. 2014
Tiens, allez, c’est Noël après tout : encore un tutoriel technique de derrière
les fagots…
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5 min read
27 déc. 2013
In a web application with different user roles, authentication is not enough.
Each request…
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4 min read
09 déc. 2013
Le 2 décembre dernier a eu lieu la seconde édition de dotJS
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6 min read
06 déc. 2013
We have seen in the previous articles that an experienced attacker can easily
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5 min read
18 nov. 2013
Nowadays, besides the operating system and the JRE, most of the Java
applications are…
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7 min read
14 nov. 2013
The application exposes a direct reference (functional identifier, database key,
file path…) to a…
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2 min read
04 nov. 2013
Cross-Site Scripting is a specific consequence of an injection attack. The goal
is to…
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4 min read
28 oct. 2013
The attacker steals his victim’s credentials or any information that will help
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11 min read
21 oct. 2013
The attacker sends untrusted data that will be injected in the targeted
application to…
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5 min read
11 oct. 2013